Saturday, May 2, 2009

A day at the zoo

We had really fun day yesterday. We went to Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake. It took us about an hour to get there but it was so worth the trip. The kids really enjoyed themselves. We invited RJ, Kainoa's brother to come with us. When we got there, we had a little picnic and Ku'uliko loved it. Then we went to see the animals. They all sat in their strollers. Kalei was so good. He didn't complain at all. Ku'uliko rode in the stroller and walked at the very end but she was really good. She was so proud of herself. She kept telling us, "I went to the potty at the zoo two times." We put her in a pull-up just in case but she kept it dry.

There was a merry-go-round and train there and of course she said that they were her favorite part of the zoo. Not seeing the animals, just going on rides. She wanted to ride on the zebra on the merry-go-round. So she did and Kalei rode on the ant-eater. She said that the zebra is her favorite animal.
We had a close encounter with a giraffe. He came right up to the fence and stuck his head over it. Ku'uliko got pretty close but was getting a little scared.
Towards the end, we went to the cougar cage but we didn't see it at first. Then Liko started calling it to come out and it did (the last picture). She and Kalei were so happy.
To finish off our zoo experience, we rode the zoo train. The kids enjoyed it so much. Kalei kept making train sounds the whole time. We saw some bison and Kainoa noticed that there wasn't a fence around them. They could've come right up to us on the train but they didn't.
We really had a good time and I'm so happy we went. It was nice to have Kainoa there with us. Ku'uliko's been having so much fun spending more time with her daddy now that the stresses of school are over for now. Hope you enjoy the pictures.
P.S. Yes I did cut my hair this past week. It's really short. I haven't had it this short since high school. I told the stylist that I wanted a change and this is what she did.


Unknown said...

I remember going to that zoo when I was younger! Cool! I love your hair! so cute!!

Sibbett_Ohana said...

You guys are awesome. Always taking your kids to do fun things. Umm... poor liza and malia are always cooped up at home where its safe and sound. LOL.