Saturday, August 9, 2008

Numero 3!

Yes, we are having #3. Can you believe it? We weren't expecting it but it happened. I took a pregnancy test about 2 weeks ago and it was positive. I took it because I threw up the night before and still felt nauseous the next morning. I cried a lot in the bathroom afterwards. I guess I felt kind of overwhelmed but it's better now. Kainoa reassures me that everything will be okay. I trust him. I know I will be alone a lot of the time during this pregnancy since he'll be studying a lot but I know that I'll survive. Ku'uliko changes her mind everyday about her soon-to-be sibling. One day she says it will be a brother and the next day it will be a sister. We'll see. I'm not really sure how far long I am. I could be at the max 6 weeks, I think. I'll give an update when I find out. I guess that won't be until I have an ultrasound. Well that's the news for now. A hui hou!


Unknown said...

Congratulations Miki! We are so excited for you! If you ever need anything, let us know! Just call us if you need someone to talk to or anything. Love yah!

KHKP said...

Congratulations! I can do it!! I can do it!! just keep repeating that mantra in your head! That's what helps me everyday. Hey third times the charm... right! The Lord is with you... and will be your strength! And next year, I'll be there, so we can hang out all the time. we love you, and know this baby will be a great blessing to you both!

Anonymous said...

Congrats guys!!! Wow!!! That is totally exciting!!!! sorry its taken me so long to check out your blog. We dont have the internet right now.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kainoa and Miki! What exciting news! And by the way, we changed our blog address it is:

betsy said...

Oh wow girl! You are just a baby-making machine! I love it. Congrats. Hope you feel better. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I hope you feel better soon! I'm so glad I found your blog!